Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A brief hello and tip!

Just a brief hello before I leave for staff training in Kona on Friday! I just have something on my heart I thought I'd share. So I usually have a lot of trouble reading and really getting into the Bible. And I know for a fact I'm not the only one. Well--this summer I found an Audio Bible read by Women of Faith called "The Word Becomes Flesh". I've been listening to the Bible CD's in the car and am downloading them on my phone as well. I listen to it everyday when driving and in my room. It is read by different women (all famous Christian women). It's very entertaining--with background music that goes to the stories and all! It's the complete New Testament and it is changing the way I view the Word. There are so many things I missed before that I'm hearing now by listening to it. The Word is becoming so alive and exciting to me--I hardly listen to music when driving anymore! I HIGHLY recommend these audio series, or doing something similar. It has helped me so much! 

Here I am-- turning my room into a hurricane-mess called packing. I couldn't be more excited to step off that plane at the Kona airport into this new journey with my one true love Jesus! 

 Love you all! 
Blessings, XOXO.