Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tik Tok Tik Tok

This week so far has been bomb! Funny-- it's only Tuesday. Our speaker, Chad Lamen from Bethel church has been lighting a fire and excitement in all of us. My health this week has been under the weather a bit, but I'm dragging myself literally out of bed (picture that) to hear this man of God impart his stories, experiences, and faith in me. Some of the stuff he's been saying is just too good for me not to share, so I'll point out some of the main things I've gotten between yesterday and today.. 

 ONE PERSON in agreement with God is enough to change a NATION. 

Fear can paralyze you and keep you from walking into your 
destiny. Fear will always knock on the door, but it's up
 to you whether or not to ANSWER the door. 

WHAT  you FOCUS ON is what you GET.

"My desire to see His face out data my desire to live." 
--> God wants to reveal Himself to you far greater than you 
desire to see Him. And it's in the outpouring that His face is REVEALED. 

keeps us from 
walking in our destiny. 

What people do on the outside reveals their core values. 

Man's perspective on success is results. 
But when you TAKE RISKS 
that is Heavens idea of SUCCESS. 

It's when we STEP OUT of the boat
that we learn about the SUPERNATURAL

The more you GIVE 
the more you NEED to receive
that is why you have to be HUNGRY

God wants to cultivate YOUR OWN WELL 
where you can DRINK and never be THIRSTY 
We first need to encounter God 

The greatest message you will ever preach

What you EXPECT from Jesus
is what you get. 

Going after God--
we cannot care what PEOPLE THINK 
about us 

A lot of times God will give us
to see where our priorities lie
in fear of man OR breakthrough 

You don't have more authority by the 
but because JESUS
lives inside of you

We have to get to the place where
we come to the END of OURSELVES 

"Don't focus on yourself
or your insecurities
or the things you can and cannot do
Focus on ME." -God

Mindset change: What if people don't get
 healed when I pray for them?? 
No. What if they DO get healed! 

We have been preparing ourselves for outreach by taking a basic Healthcare class. As you know before we were doing the Justice Water course, so we have now finished that one a few weeks ago and began this Healthcare one. We have this class every week until we leave on March 28th. We've been learning all of the above about healthcare so we can help not only to spiritually heal people, but physically as well. Everything from education about clean water, dehydration and washing hands, to infections, diseases and sicknesses. All of the above! It's getting me excited to leave, I can't wait! The anticipation is growing and the elephants in my stomach are racing to see what God is going to do and how He will move through our team. I know God will use all 7 of us in divine ways, and each person on my team brings something different and unique to the group. 
PS- I love the Holy Spirit. He is my bestfriend. 

I have posted below some pictures from this past week. Enjoy!

So many good stories and revelations being imparted. 

Haha practice dummy, don't choke Cat! ;) 

Learning is fun. Especially since we will be doing all of this on the mission field. 

Saving a life! 
Took a while for the light to go from red to green (which means the person is now breathing). Looks like I need to hit the gym in these next few weeks;). 

The clock is ticking!!! 

Keep my team in your prayers! Also my health please- I want to be awake and alert these last few weeks I have to seek and prepare. Please pray that I stay focused and spend extra quiet time with Him. I'm afraid our schedule gets so busy that I forget or just don't feel like doing that--which I believe is most important. We have no more free weekends so our schedules are piling up with even more work and classes! One more thing--please pray we have no more complications getting our Visas! We have been having lots of trouble with the applications and are praying we get them back soon and APPROVED. We want to be sure we actually make it to India.;) 

Love and miss y'all! Blessings. 

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